Assessing, measuring and prioritizing heritage values
NIKU organized this second workshop which was held in Oslo, Norway on October 2. and the 3. 2014. The workshop dealt with how heritage values are assessed and measured in Europe.
The Heritage Values Network (H@V) is a network which is funded by the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) on Cultural Heritage.
Heritage values
This network is designed to start a European cross-disciplinary discussion between heritage practitioners, researchers and policy-makers on heritage values through the conduct of three workshops in Eindhoven, Oslo and Barcelona.
The organizations participating in this project are:
- University College London (UCL)
- Leiden University (LU)
- Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
- Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU)
- University of Barcelona (UB).
Second workshop
NIKU organized the second workshop which was held in Oslo, Norway on October 2 and 3 2014. The workshop dealt with how heritage values are assessed and measured in Europe.
Of course this is not an easy task as heritage values are understood differently by different sectors and in different countries.
Second, heritage values are diverse, changeable, context-dependent, and often dissonant.