Heritage Politics: Challenges for the 21st Century’s Heritage Management
We are accepting papers exploring future challenges for heritage managment
Heritage Politics: Challenges for the 21st Century’s Heritage Management
We are happy to announce that the session Heritage Politics: Challenges for the 21stCentury’s Heritage Management is accepted for the ACHS 4th Biennial Conference 1-6thSeptember, 2018 in Hangzhou, China.
We are inviting researchers to submit papers exploring future challenges for heritage management. More information will be following soon on the conference web site, http://www.criticalheritagestudies.org/hangzhou-conference/
For further information, please contact the session organizers: Torgrim Sneve Guttormsen (torgrim.guttormsen@niku.no) and Knut Fageraas (knut.fageraas@niku.no)