Successful session at the EAA
On 1 September 2017, at the annual meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists in Maastricht, Elisabeth Niklasson and Herdis Hølleland chaired the session “Archaeology and the European far-right: attitudes and responses from heritage bureaucracies.”
The session brought presenters and audience from different parts of Europe together to discuss the impact of far-right parties on heritage policies.
Johanna Enqvist provided insights into the far-right in Finland and highlighted the importance of courage when studying contemporary heritage politics.
Annal Källén drew critical attention to the new heritage proposition adopted by the Swedish government in response to rise of the far-right party of the Sweden Democrats.

Nanna Løkka introduced the far-right extremist groups of Norway and their relation to the growing interest for Viking heritage.
Gertjan Plets explored the role of bureaucratic technologies in modern nation states, and Eszter Banffy discussed the current situation in Hungary where the national heritage sector is being dismantled.
Ljuben Tevdovski and Angela Sokoloska asked whether professionals might need to become populists in order to get their archaeological narratives through.
The presentations were followed by a lively discussion with a very engaged audience.