Medieval town Rocamadour
(Photo: Colourbox)


Nature and Culture in Medieval Towns
NIKU Conference 6-7 March 2019

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Wednesday, March 6.

08:15: Registration

09:00-09.15: Kristin Bakken, Director of Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research

  • Welcome

09:15-09.30: Opening of the conference by Ola Elvestuen, Norwegian Minister of Climate and Environment

Keynote 1

09:30-10:30: Keynote 1: Roberta Magnusson, Associate professor in Environmental History of Medieval Europe, University of Oklahoma;

  • Urban Infrastructure and Environmental Risk in Medieval England

10:30-11:20: Coffee Break/ Poster Session

Session 1: Earth and dirt – in theory and practice

11:20-11:40: Rebecca Cannell, Post-doctoral candidate, Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History, University of Oslo

  • Temporality and the Natural

11:40-12:00: Vibeke Vandrup Martens, Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research

  • Impacts of nature and culture on preservation of archeological Remains in Situ in Medieval Towns of Norway

12.00-12.10: Discussion

Session 2: Landscape

12:10-12:30:  Ingeborg Sæhle, Philip Nicolas Wood and Kristoffer Brink, Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research

  • Pre-urban settlement in an active river delta –Land-reclamation as an integrated part of town construction in the early Middle Ages in Trondheim

12:30-12:50: Julian Cadamateri, Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research

  • The agricultural landscape of medieval and post-medieval Trondheim, Norway

12:50-13:00: Discussion

13:00-14:00 Lunch

Session 3: Water

14:00-14:20: Adam Hultberg, Lund University

  • Moving water – on water and sanitary infrastructure in medieval and early modern Oslo

14:20-14:40: Kristian Reinfjord, Anno Museum

  • Water management and drainage in Norwegian Medieval Castles

14:40-15:00: Per Christian Underhaug, Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Studies

  • How drainage systems affected and organized the cityscape in Bergen during the Middle Ages

15:00-15:15 Discussion

15:15-15:45: Coffee Break

Keynote 2

15:45 – 16:45 Keynote 2: Axel Christophersen, Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

  • Urban footprints: Do we need an archaeology of medieval urban ecology?

19:00 Conference dinner Stortorvets Gjæstgiveri, Grensen 1


Thursday, March 7.

Keynote 3

9.00-10.00: Keynote 3: Sarah Croix, Assistant Professor, Aarhus University

  • Changing lifestyles and the beginnings of urbanism in Scandinavia

Session 4: Symbolism

10.00-10.20: Bjørn Bandlien, University of South-Eastern Norway

  • Stones, social status and symbolic power in medieval Vestfold

10:20-10:40: Stefka G. Eriksen, Researcher, Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research

  • Settlement as a Practice and Metaphor in Medieval Iceland

10:40-11:00: Kristin Aavitsland, Professor, MF Norwegian School of Theology

  • Connecting to the Navel of the World

11:00-11:15: Discussion

11:15: 11:45: Coffee Break

Session 5: Natural resources – wood and stone

11:45-12:05: Terje Thun, The National Laboratory for Age Determination, NTNU University Museum, and Anna Petersén, Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research

  • Dendrochronology and wood analysis from archaeological material as a source to the existing natural, economic and human resources in the Viking Age settlement in Trondheim.

12:05-12.25: Morten Stige, Cultural Heritage Management Office

  • Stone or wood in dwellings in Norwegian Medieval Towns?

12:25-12:35: Discussion

12:35-13:35 Break

Session 6: Plants and food

13:35-13:55: Irene Teixidor-Toneu, Karoline Kjesrud, M. Courtade, Anneleen Kool, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo

  • “People and plants”: connecting disciplines to explore Nordic botanical heritage

13:55-14:15: Elise Naumann, Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research

  • Food and social dynamics in Norwegian Medieval Towns

14:15-14:25 Discussion

14:25-14:55 Coffee Break

Session 7: The Plague

14:55-15:15: Kristin Kausland, Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research

  • Artistic craftsmanship in Norway before and after the Great Plague

15:15-15:35:  Frederik Felskau, Independent Researcher

  • The Handling of the Unspeakable.  The Black Death and the Coping with Catastrophes in 14th and 15th century Lübeck

15:35-15:55: Håvard Hegdal, Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research

  • Death of a City:  Archaeological evidence for plague-induced abandonment of extensive areas of medieval Oslo, Norway.

15:55 – 16:10:  Discussion

16.10-16:30: Break

Keynote 4

16:30-17:30: Keynote 4: James Barrett, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

  • Ecological Globalisation and the Medieval Town: Of Fish, Fur and Ivory


Poster Session



Katharina Lorvik, Halldis Hobæk and Rory Dunlop:
“Paved with timber, paved with stone: Roads and communication routes in Vågsbunnen, Bergen”

Katharina Lorvik, Halldis Hobæk and Rory Dunlop:
“Fish as food resource in Medieval Bergen. Recent finds from Vågsbunnen”

Julian Cadamateri, Ian Reed, Silje Rullestad:
“Reconstructing a buried landscape at Trondheim”

Julian Cadamateri, Ian Reed, Silje Rullestad:
“Evidence for ‘the little ice age’ from Trondheim”

Nora Furan:
“Altering and using the landscape – the establishment of the medieval town Borg””

Louise Hansen and Anna Petersén:
“The geological context of the Klemenskirke archaeological site”

Philip N. Wood, Ingeborg Sæhle, Kristoffer Brink, Anna Petersén:
“From cult-center to parish church, unusual evidence from St. Clement’s, Trondheim”

Posters will be presented at the first coffee break, 10.30 on Wednesday 6th March.