Seminarrekke om omstridt kulturarv
Hvorfor skaper noen typer kulturarv så mye debatt? I oktober inviterer vi forskere, forvaltning, og andre med interesse for kulturarv til tre ettermiddager med omstridt kulturarv som tema.
7., 14., og 21. oktober har vi invitert en gruppe internasjonale eksperter til foredrag og samtale om hvilke mekanismer som ligger til grunn for at kulturarv kan skape debatt.
Arrangementsrekka er en del av forskningsprosjektet YCON, hvor vi med utgangspunkt i debatten om Y-blokka studerer omstridt kulturarv (contentious heritage).
Seminarene er åpne for alle, men er spesielt rettet mot forskere og forvaltere innen kulturarvfeltet.
Seminarene er på Microsoft Teams, og foregår på engelsk.
Se program (på engelsk) under:

October 7, 2021. 14:00-16:00 CET/UTC+1. The origin of contention/Where does contention lay? A dialogue between John Pendlebury and Tracy Ireland.
This session would explore issues on both the politics of contentiousness, and the politics of contentious heritage, focusing on the following questions: What is actually contentious? Is heritage contentious, or is it the process of valuing heritage that is contentious? Is heritage the top of an iceberg hiding political contentious processes beyond heritage? Or is heritage another element/expression of (political) contentiousness?
October 14, 2021. 15:00-16:00 CET/UTC+1. How to manage contentious voices?/How to manage voices in contentious heritage? A dialogue between Stacie Nicole Smith and Trinidad Rico.
This session will discuss issues regarding power relations in contentious heritage and the management of conflict in heritage, and how democratic societies articulate accountability of top-down decisions processes. It will also explore questions like Who are the “involved parties”? Who decides who is an “involved party”? Are different ways of valuing the contentiousness depending on the actors involved? Which values are more valid, and for what/whom? What is the role of heritage managers/expertise when dealing with contentious heritage or heritage immersed in contentious situations? How to avoid polarization when managing contentious heritage?
October 21, 2021. 14:30-16:30 CET/UTC+1. The uses of contentious heritage for society. A dialogue between Dacia Viejo-Rose and Siân Jones.
This session will focus on the public vision of contentious heritage, evaluating how different stakeholders use contentious heritage once this is conformed in practices of tourism, memorialization, identity, and education, among many. What should be the (expected?) role of heritage in contentious situations? Does contentious heritage act as a unifying force, or does it foster divisions (and disaffection towards heritage)? In which way it does unify and/or divide; and why, or how? How can contentiousness foster or detach the public from participating in heritage matters? Does contentious heritage help to revaluate contentious situations? Does contentious heritage help people to reimagine different futures?