Linking Places – Call for Papers
Call for papers for the conference Linking Places in the Emerging Viking Age in Oslo October 17-18th. The submission deadline is 31st May.
What was the role of central places in the creation, consolidation, and maintenance of collective identities, polities, and kingdoms in first-millennium Scandinavia?
Linking Places in the Emerging Viking Age
In this conference we want to explore what kind of places are ‘central’ to political systems and constellations in the emerging Viking Age. How were they were ‘central’ – and how did they relate to each other and their landscapes?
The conference will focus on the social, political, and religious aspects of different ‘centres’ of the first millennium (session 1), what constitutes the Viking Age (session 2), exploring centres from an archaeological landscape perspective (session 3), and the role and significance of ships, harbours, and exchange to the emerging sociopolitical systems of the Viking Age (session 4). Through this we will connect the changing roles and the landscape placing of differing centres in first millennium Scandinavia.
Linking Places
- When: October 17-18th Oslo.
- Where: Oslo, Proffessorboligen
- Submission deadline: May 31st.
- Registration for the conference will be open from 30th May to 6th September.
The conference is intended for researchers in archaeology and other scholars in related historical fields.

Call for papers
We welcome papers that explore the conference and session’s themes and issues that connect different types of places together in the Viking Age, be it identity, connectivity, political, social, or religious links. Although the conference has a Scandinavian focus, we also welcome studies of the Viking Diaspora or comparable sites beyond Scandinavia.
The Linking Places conference is organised by the Viking Nativity Project (Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research/ University of Oslo), which is investigating the landscape context of the Gjellestad ship burial.
Abstracts should be up to 300 words and can be submitted here. Please write the abstract in English. The submission deadline is 31st May.
The registration fee for the conference will be 750 NOK, including lunch, with an optional conference dinner. The conference venue is the Proffessorboligen, central Oslo.