Nina Kjølsen Jernæs

Nina Kjølsen Jernæs

  • Paintings Conservator —
  • Researcher

Phonenumber: 41411353


  • Conservation

Nina Kjølsen Jernæs holds a master’s degree in Fine Arts Conservation and has worked at NIKU as a paintings conservator since 2008, with an additional role as a researcher since 2016. Jernæs’ main areas of work are preventive conservation, condition assessments, conservation of painted interior and inventory, and interdisciplinary projects related to climate changes and cultural heritage.

Jernæs often works on projects where the employers are the Directorate for Cultural Heritage or private owners, with a largest amount of projects related to churches and religious inventory.

Extreme events, a changing climate, salvaging and mitigation measures for cultural heritage are topics that Jernæs focus on in her research. She is, amongst other projects, manager for a research project on mitigation measures for built cultural heritage in an extreme climate, focusing on the management on the municipal level 2021-2023).

Jernæs finished her master’s degree in Fine Arts Conservation at the University of Oslo in 2008, which included work as a practitioner for half a year at the Universität für Angewandte Kunst in Vienna.

Selected publications from Cristin: