Anders Hesjedal

  • Archaeologist —
  • Arkeolog —
  • Forsker —
  • Researcher

Phonenumber: +47 90932432


  • High North —
  • Nordområde

Anders Hesjedal is a researcher at the High North Department. He holds a in archaeology from UiT – the Arctic University of Norway.

Hesjedal`s core competencies are in North Norwegian archaeology and cultural history, recording and documentation of cultural monuments. More recently he has investigated modern material culture. The point of departure has been a comparative approach toward cultural monuments in Norway from the Second World War and the Cold War, related to the more overall European case.

Hesjedal has previously worked as a researcher at UiT – the Arctic University of Norway and as a project manager for Troms County Council. He has managed and participated in several projects focused on Norwegian and Arctic prehistory and history.

Selected publications from Cristin: