Annika Haugen, NIKU

Annika Haugen

  • Engineer —
  • Head of department —
  • Researcher

Phonenumber: 23355067/ 41643690


  • Built Heritage

Annika Haugen has a Master’s degree in civil engineering and a PhD degree from the Oslo School of Architecture and Design. The title of her doctoral thesis was “Heating and conservation of medieval stone churches, a study of the climate in stone masonry.” Haugen has been working in architect’s offices in Sweden and at the Directorate for Cultural Heritage in Norway. She has worked in NIKU since 1997.

Her main focus of research has been building technology related to masonry constructions, and questions regarding indoor climate and its influence on the building as well as the environment. In recent years she has also worked with the challenges related to climate change and energy saving in architecturally, historically and culturally valuable buildings. She works in the Building Department in NIKU.

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