Christina Spaarschuh

  • Paintings Conservator —
  • Researcher

Phonenumber: 47994790


  • Conservation

Christina Spaarschuh works as a paintings conservator at Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research and holds a Diploma-degree in conservation, art technology and conservation science from the Technical University in Munich.

Spaarschuh works mostly with the condition surveys, conservation and restoration of painted church art from the Middle Ages to the 1700s, but occasionally also later and secular works. What these works have in common is that they mainly involve the conservation of painted wood, polychrome sculpture, panel paintings, canvas paintings, and distemper paint on wooden support. She is trained as an X-ray operator and also works at NIKU with X-ray examinations of artworks.

Spaarschuh has been involved in research projects related to various topics, including the preservation of public art and the ethical mindset of conservators when treating artworks in churches, and more. Since 2020 she has been occupied with the study of the polychromy on English late medieval alabaster altarpieces.

Selected publications from Cristin: