Christina Spaarschuh
- Paintings Conservator —
- Researcher
Phonenumber: 47994790
- Conservation
Christina Spaarschuh works as a paintings conservator at Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research and holds a Diploma-degree in conservation, art technology and conservation science from the Technical University in Munich. Her main field of work includes condition surveys; conservation and restoration work on paintings on canvas or wood.
Spaarschuh has broad experience with the conservation of large scale paintings such as Kai Fjell’s monumental decorations at the former Oslo airport in Fornebu, but also church art from the renaissance and baroque periods. In recent years she has been engaged in projects related to public art management. Currently she is working on a research project on “The Use and Preservation of Public Art in Oslo’s Schools” which connects her background as a conservator with perspectives within cultural heritage management, cultural politics and art mediation. She also has experience with x-radiography of artworks.
Spaarschuh previously worked as a freelancer in the field of paintings and polychrome sculpture conservation in Munich, Germany.
Selected publications from Cristin:
Pastiglia Relief and Sgraffito. A study of the Polychromy on a late Medieval English Alabaster Altarpiece
Spaarschuh, Christina; Platania, Elena.
- 2025
- Conservar Património
- Academic article
Forprosjekt for konservering av altertavle og epitafium, del 2. A301 Kinnakyrkja, Kinn, Kinn kommune, Vestland
Spaarschuh, Christina; Stoveland, Lena Porsmo.
- 2023
- Norsk institutt for kulturminneforskning
- Report
Forprosjekt for konservering av altertavle fra 1625. Veøy gamle kyrkje, Molde kommune, Møre og Romsdal
Spaarschuh, Christina; Løvdal, Christine.
- 2023
- Norsk institutt for kulturminneforskning
- Report
Bevaring av takmaleri fra 1928. Forprosjekt del 3. Blaker gravkapell, Lillestrøm kommune
Spaarschuh, Christina.
- 2023
- Norsk institutt for kulturminneforskning
- Report
A369 Meråker kirke. Forprosjekt for konservering av altertavle. Meråker kommune, Trøndelag
Spaarschuh, Christina; Løvdal, Christine.
- 2023
- Norsk institutt for kulturminneforskning
- Report
Nasjonale oppgaver 2023. Metodeutvikling. Malingsfjernere på overmalt dekor. Delrapport 2 2023
Spaarschuh, Christina; Blix, Hulda; Platania, Elena.
- 2023
- Norsk institutt for kulturminneforskning
- Report