David Hill
- Archaeologist —
- Researcher
E-mail: david.hill@niku.no
- Archaeology
David Hill is an archaeologist and researcher at NIKU’s office in Bergen, where is works on projects related to archaeological excavations in medieval towns, churches, fortifications, and monasteries.
- David has extensive experience in research and heritage management projects in Eastern and Western Norway, with an expertise in all periods from the Mesolithic Period to the Middle Ages.
- He has worked at the Museum Cultural History, University of Oslo and as a county archaeologist in Akershus, Vestfold and Telemark.
- He focuses on urban archaeology, landscape and settlement patterns and outland archaeology.
Research projects
Survey and documentation of the Hellenistic polis of Metropolis and the region of Ionia in cooperation with Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, Turkey.
Participant in the Norwegian Research Council funded Thanatos Project (IAKH, UIO) at Hierapolis in western Turkey that investigated the northeast necropolis in cooperation with the Italian archaeological mission to Hierapolis (Pamukkale).
Excavations at Tegea (Arkadia) in the Peloponnese, Greece. The Norwegian Institute at Athens and Greek authorities.
Investigations at the Byzantine urban site of Kastro Apalirou on Naxos, Greece. The Norwegian Institute at Athens and Greek authorities.
MPhil (Oslo 2000): Medieval Towns and the Rural Economy In Eastern Norway: Central Place Theory, Settlement and Taxation AD 1000 – AD 1350.
Ph.d. (Oslo 2016): Urbanisation and settlement in western Asia Minor: Ionia and Metropolis in the Torbalı Plain, a GIS approach.
International research networks
Participant in the DFG Network: Island Studies Network: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Island Exchanges, Environments, and Perceptions at the University of Tübingen funded by the German Research Council. David Hill | University of Tübingen (uni-tuebingen.de)
Selected publications from Cristin:
Smjǫr – fra buðdeigja til byjar-monnum. Urbanisering og utmarksekspansjon i vikingtid og middelalder
Dahle, Kristoffer; Hill, David.
- 2024
- Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smjor - fra buddeigja til byjar-monnum
Dahle, Kristoffer; Hill, David.
- 2024
- Vitark: Acta archaeologica Nidrosiensia
- Academic article
NIKU Rapport 230/ 2023 Arkeologisk overvåking ved kjellergraving, Øvre Holmegate 28, Stavanger
Hill, David.
- 2023
- Norsk institutt for kulturminneforskning
- Report
NIKU Oppdragsrapport 35-2022 Telemarksgata og Øvre Hjellegate, Skien - VA.
Hill, David; Haugesten, Lars.
- 2022
- Report
Ionian Poleis and their Hinterlands
Hill, David; Koparal, Elif.
- 2022
- Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
NIKU oppdragsrapport 37/2021. Kongens gate, Skien. Arkeologisk overvåking i forbindelse med oppgradering av VA-ledning.
Hill, David.
- 2021
- Norsk institutt for kulturminneforskning
- Report