Halldis Hobæk
- Archaeologist —
- Researcher
Phonenumber: 92289252
E-mail: halldis.hobek@niku.no
- Archaeology
Halldis Hobæk is an archaeologist and has worked at NIKU’s office in Bergen since 2014. She works mainly with project management, conduction of archaeological investigations and research.
Hobæk has a master’s degree in archaeology from the University of Bergen, with a thesis on manorial structures around the royal manor Sem in Vestfold in the Middle Ages and late iron age. Her range of subjects also includes a cand.mag. degree in history, norse filology and more. Scientific interest areas include landscape analysis, historical archaeology, combining archaeology and onomastic material, among others.
Hobæk has diverse experience from archaeological field work, such as visual surveys in outfield areas, search trenches, excavations and more. She has previously worked for Buskerud county and the University Museum of Bergen, among others. She also has experience from archeological investigations in medieval towns and the use of ArcGIS.
From 2010 to 2014 she was part of the Assembly Project, a research project at the Museum of Cultural History in Oslo, focusing on assembly sites in Western Norway in the Viking age and the medieval period, and is now a participant in NIKU’s research project ‘Urban Origins: Archaeologies of urbanization and urban life in early medieval Norway’2020-2023.
Selected publications from Cristin:
Negotiating the North: Meeting-places in the Middle Ages in the North Sea Zone
Semple, Sarah; Sanmark, Alexandra; Iversen, Frode; Mehler, Natascha; Hobæk, Halldis; Ødegaard, Marie.
- 2020
- Society for Medieval Archaeology Monograph
- Academic monograph
Viking Age and Medieval Assemblies in Western Norway: Approaches to Identification of Sites
Hobæk, Halldis.
- 2019
- Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Østre Murallmenning og C. Sundts gate. Arkeologisk tilsyn ved etablering av fjernvarme og VA-anlegg. Bergen kommune, Hordaland. - NIKU Oppdragsrapport 90/2015
Dunlop, Alexander Rory; Hobæk, Halldis.
- 2015
- Norsk institutt for kulturminneforskning
- Report
Tracing Medieval Administrative Systems: Hardanger, Western Norway
Hobæk, Halldis.
- 2013
- Journal of the North Atlantic
- Academic article