Julian Cadamarteri
- Archaeologist —
- Senior Adviser
Phonenumber: 41699613
E-mail: julian.cadamarteri@niku.no
- Archaeology
Julian has an MA in Archaeology from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. His master´s thesis “Locks and keys in medieval Trondheim” is based on archaeological material from excavations in Trondheim. In addition to archaeology he has studied several subsidiary subjects, including history, history of religion and art history.
Julian has worked on numerous archaeological excavations and archaeological surveys from Oslo in the south to Finnmark in the north. Including projects for the following institutions: NTNU University Museum, the Museum of Cultural History in Oslo, Bergen University Museum, North Trøndelag County and the Sami Parliament of Norway. His wide ranging fieldwork experience spans everything from Mesolithic excavations to contemporary archaeology and surveying Sami cultural heritage. During his work he has developed an expertise in digital archaeological surveying and archaeological metal detecting. Julian is especially interested in medieval and post-medieval archaeology, conflict archaeology and material culture studies.
Selected publications from Cristin:
NIKU Rapport 375. TA 2016/13 Torvet i Trondheim. Arkeologisk utgravning av sørøstre kvadrant.
Rullestad, Silje Sandø; Engtrø Solem, Dag-Øyvind; Cadamarteri, Julian Patrick; Reed, Ian.
- 2024
- Norsk institutt for kulturminneforskning
- Report
Den middelalderske dyrkningen på Veøya. Etablering, organisering og utbytte fra den bynære åkerdriften ca. 900–1400 e.Kr
Cadamarteri, Julian Patrick.
- 2024
- Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Torvet i Trondheim
Cadamarteri, Julian Patrick; Pedersen, Beate Albrigtsen.
- 2022
- Museumsforlaget AS
- Popular scientific book
The Burial Mounds of Lademoen: Lade seat of the earls highlighted by archaeological sources
Cadamarteri, Julian Patrick.
- 2022
- Heimen - Lokal og regional historie
- Academic article
Okkupasjonens kulturminner Dokumentasjon og overvåking av andre verdenskrigs kulturminner ved hjelp av flyfoto
Cadamarteri, Julian Patrick; Thuestad, Alma Elizabeth.
- 2020
- Heimen - Lokal og regional historie
- Academic article
Nidarneset før Nidaros; Trondheims landskaps- og bosetningshistorie i perioden 500 f.Kr.-1000 e.Kr.
Cadamarteri, Julian Patrick; McLees, Christopher J.; Petersen, Anna Helena; Reed, Ian William.
- 2020
- Primitive tider
- Academic article