Siv Leden
- Architect —
- Sivilarkitekt
Phonenumber: 23355206
E-mail: siv.leden@niku.no
- Built Heritage —
- Bygning
Siv Leden has a Master’s degree in Architecture from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), with further education in restoration, building conservation and architectural history from the Royal Institute of Art, Sweden.
She has been employed at NIKU since March 2015. Specialising in conservation of cultural monuments, her field of expertise includes legislation, assessment of cultural heritage value, documentation and the preservation and restoration of buildings.
Leden has extensive experience working with national conservation of cultural heritage. She worked for twelve years as a senior advisor at the Directorate for Cultural Heritage, working primarily with conservation regulation / the Cultural Heritage Act and the Listed Buildings Project, listed churches and restoration of nationally significant buildings. From 2012-2014, Leden worked in the Museums Section of the Arts Council Norway, developing a method for prioritisation regarding the conservation of museums’ collections of buildings. She also has experience working for architectural firms and in communal building application procedure.