But the grave and the story behind it is already disappearing in the fjord.

Vibeke Vandrup Martens
- Archaeologist —
- Researcher
Phonenumber: 92466628
E-mail: vibeke.martens@niku.no
- Archaeology
Vibeke Vandrup Martens is an archaeologist and a researcher (Forsker II) and has worked at NIKU since 2006.
Her research focuses on preservation conditions for archaeological deposits, geoarchaeology and in situ preservation. She has a PhD in geoarchaeology from the VU University of Amsterdam, and she has worked in the research projects ”Archaeological Deposits in a Changing Climate. In Situ Preservation of Farm Mounds in Northern Norway” (InSituFarms) and “In Situ Site Preservation of Archaeological Remains in the Unsaturated Zone” (In Situ SIS). Martens carries out environmental monitoring projects both within and outside the urban areas and conducts archaeological excavations in the medieval towns.
Her present work focus is the impact of climate change on preservation conditions for cultural heritage, leading the interdisciplinary research project CULTCOAST (financed by the MILJØFORSK environmental research programme at the Research Council of Norway).
Martens has published papers on deposit monitoring, rural medieval settlements and on medieval pottery. She is an active participant at international archaeological conferences, and she holds a position in the editorial board of Collegium Medievale.
Martens holds master’s degrees in medieval archaeology from the University of Lund (Sweden) and Aarhus University (Denmark). Her work experience as an archaeologist, curator and researcher comes from the Museum of Cultural History in Lund, the Copenhagen City Museum, the Government of Åland, the Museum of Cultural History in Oslo and Vestfold County Archeology.
Selected publications from Cristin:
A Novel Protocol for Reconstructing Depositional Histories of Anthropogenic, Sedimentary Records: the Case of the Holocene-Deep Kirkhellaren Cave Deposits in Coastal Arctic Norway
Jørgensen, Erlend Kirkeng; Martens, Vibeke Vandrup; Nau, Erich; Solem, Dag-Øyvind Engtrø.
- 2025
- Journal of Field Archaeology
- Academic article
A Global Perspective: The Need for Climate Change Action in Heritage Management Now
Graham, Ellie; Martens, Vibeke Vandrup; Ayers-Rigsby, Sara.
- 2025
- Journal of Field Archaeology
- Academic article
Chinese Echoes i META historiskarkeologiskt tidskrift 2024
Martens, Vibeke Vandrup; Derrick, Michael.
- 2024
- META - Historiskarkeologisk tidskrift
- Academic article
Klimatilpasningstiltak og Kulturarv - muligheter og oppmerksomheter ved studier av klimatilpasningstiltak og konsekvenser for kulturmiljøer og kulturminner
Haugen, Annika; Kjølsen, Nina Jernæs; Granberg, Maja; Simon Nielsen, Véronique Karine; Martens, Vibeke Vandrup.
- 2022
- Nordisk ministerråd
- Report
NIKU Rapport 165. In-situ bevaring og bygging på kulturlag i middelalderbyene. Prøvetakingsstrategi, erfaringer med avbøtende tiltak, lokale variasjoner i bevaringstilstand og peling på kulturlag.
Hovd, Line; Halvorsen, Sunniva Wilberg; Dunlop, Alexander Rory; Cannell, Rebecca J S; Martens, Vibeke Vandrup.
- 2022
- Norsk institutt for kulturminneforskning
- Report
Monitoring as a tool to evaluate preservation possibilities. Results from the CULTCOAST project
Martens, Vibeke Vandrup; Krangnes, Lars.
- 2022
- Frontiers in Earth Science
- Academic article
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