Architectural Paint Research
Investigating finishes and surfaces of Norway’s built heritage by tracing colours and decorative schemes.
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Interiors and facades are subject to continuous change and alteration. They are being modernized and overpainted due to fashion, taste of the successive owners or simply routine maintenance.
Architectural Paint Research (APR) projects will reveal all finishes and surfaces, by making exposures of the paint layers and examine cross section from the original materials, to identify the so-called first colour scheme and all modernisations. It will locate, identify, interpret and date all finishes to create an overview of the historic development.

A historic perspective helps to deepen general knowledge of the building history, it’s alterations, assess their condition, plan future work and help to make informed conservation decisions.
Finishes are applied to a wide range of substrate materials composed from wood, metal, plaster, natural stone, concrete, paper, textiles.

An APR projects is all about identifying (house-) paints, decorative and illusionistic paintings, tooling effects, stencilling, marbling, wood graining, gildings, metal leaves, varnishes and the use of wallpapers.
NIKU can investigate all kinds of buildings, interiors and objects, from 20th century modernistic buildings to medieval churches, from small dwellings to governmental buildings, from villas to military heritage, from royal palaces to cloisters and everything in between!
- Meet us on-site!
Contact us to discuss your project and meet us on-site!
Send an email to: susanne.kaun@niku.no
See NIKUs map of architectural paint research projects in Norway (Click on full screen mode for search box):
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