Next week archaeologists will open trenches at the site of the Gjellestad Ship.

Next week archaeologists will open trenches at the site of the Gjellestad Ship.
With the help of newly developed motorised georadar systems, NIKU's archaeologists did some major discoveries at Gjellestad - including a Viking Ship. But how does the technology work and what will happen next?
Here is a short film about the ship find.
Archaeologists armed with a motorized high resolution georadar have found a Viking ship and a large number of burial mounds and longhouses in Østfold County in Norway.
Denne uken gjorde NIKUs fagfolk geofysiske undersøkelser utenfor den islandske presidentboligen.
Viking ships found in Iceland have decayed, with the “Saum”, or rivets, often the only parts of the famous boats still remaining. A group of scientists now believe we can learn a lot from the surviving pieces of iron and have brought them to Norway for examination.