Sam Hardy
- Forsker —
- Researcher
- Conservation —
- Konservering
Decope explores how cultural heritage, monuments and the professionals involved in their safeguarding, can be better protected in times of war.
In DECOPE (Destructive Exploitation and Care of Cultural Objects. Professional/Public Education for sustainable heritage management), researchers in Norway, Scotland, and Spain have addressed the challenges of providing helpful and appropriate care for cultural heritage in war and conflict environments, focusing on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
The war between Russia and Ukraine firmly locates major challenges relating to heritage, society and ethics in areas of armed conflict in the heart of Europe. Against this backdrop, DECOPE has investigated how care is mobilised for cultural heritage during war, identifying the challenges, impacts and effects of local, national and international responses in order to create more effective, competent and targeted support for the work of professionals and communities.
When national institutions are severely strained in war zones, alternative, ad-hoc structures emerge. These can help accelerate the impact and effectiveness of care and collaboration with international and local institutions providing aid. Yet, the power void created by severe damage to bureaucracy and opaque processes of rapid response makes cultural property vulnerable to expropriation in the name of cultural patrimony and trafficking of cultural property under guise of rescue and evacuation. Furthermore, the project found that the use of cultural heritage as a tool for hybrid warfare is expressed in propaganda as well as in its use in financing and incentivizing political violence.
DECOPE explored the contradictions and consequences of nationally-driven cultural heritage policies for heritage management, community involvement and global responsibility.
Through online and face-to-face fieldwork as well as open-source research we have worked with Ukrainian heritage professionals to understand how they work to mitigate damage both to the heritage they manage and their professional lives. Through cooperation with public administrators, the project has identified bottlenecks and constraints on the one hand and successful practices and cases on the other. From these, we have co-produced guidance and resources to create more effective and sustainable collaboration between international and national providers and receivers of aid and care for culture and heritage.
The research project “Destructive Exploitation and Care of Cultural Objects and Professional/Public Education for Sustainable Heritage Management (DECOPE)” received funding of €674,000 from the European Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Global Change (JPI CH).
Hardy, Sam & Telizhenko, Serhil
Hardy, Sam
Sam Hardy: Political Struggles in Cultural Property Crime
Sam Hardy: Looting and trafficking in conflict and crisis – profiles in cultural property criminality in Ukraine and across Eastern Europe.
Josephine M. Rasmussen: Kulturarv i krig: horisontal, lokal og internasjonal beredskap. Invitasjon til KKOAs høstseminar (
Sam Hardy: Sam Hardy: Private profit from state crime in Russia’s war on Ukraine
Ana Vico, Paula de la Fuente: Protection and Dispersal of Spanish Historical Heritage during 20th Century
. Sam Hardy: Considerations when conducting online ethnography of the illicit trade in cultural objects from zones of conflict and crisis.
Sam Hardy: Security and Protection of Cultural Heritage from Looting and Trafficking
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, University of Stirling, Norwegian institute for Cultural Heritage Research, Museum Crisis Center, Lviv Center for Urban History, Norwegian Directorate for cultural Heritage, Historic Environment Scotland
Diána Vonnák and Sam Hardy: Introduction to the current situation of Ukrainian cultural heritage
Diána Vonnák: Doing heritage research in Ukraine: challenges, debates, questions
Siân Jones: co-organiser/chair. Diána Vonnák: co-organiser/chair
Sam Hardy: Science diplomacy as a tool for tackling cultural property illicit trafficking
Josephine M. Rasmussen: How is care for cultural heritage mobilised in armed conflict? What are the challenges, impacts and effects of local, national, and international responses?
Diána Vonnák: DECOPE: Understanding the political economy of care of heritage rescue in wartime Ukraine
Diána Vonnák: Wartime Heritage Rescue in Ukraine: Cooperation Beyond the State.
Josephine M. Rasmussen: Caring for Cultural Heritage in War. The DECOPE project
Sam Hardy: Looting, trafficking, policing and propaganda in the war in Ukraine.
Josephine M. Rasmussen: Internasjonal omsorg for kulturarv og kulturarbeidere i Ukraina: kort introduksjon til DECOPE-prosjektet
Håkon Roland and Josephine Munch Rasmussen. Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo. Kulturarv i krig – Ukraina og Gaza – Oslo Peace Days.
Josephine M. Rasmussen og Beate Strøm: Kulturarven som mål, middel og motstandskraft. The National Library of Norway
Josephine Munch Rasmussen and Sam Hardy: Presentation of recent initiatives on safeguarding cultural heritage in Ukraine and other areas in war and conflict through the DECOPE research project.
Ana Vico, Paula de la Fuente: Analysis of the legal and administrative situation of trafficking in cultural goods.
Diána Vonnak: Konkurencia, szövetség, ellenőrzés? Civil kezdeményezések és az állam a háborús Ukrajnában [Competition, alliance, accountability? Civic initiatives and the state in wartime Ukraine].
Sam hardy: Archaeological looting: The specifics of the countries of Eastern Europe (Le pillage archéologique: spécificité des pays de l’Est de l’Europe.
Olhar Honchar, Siân Jones and Diána Vonnak: Everyday heritage and everyday lives/livelihoods in the context of the war in Ukraine.
Organised and hosted by the University of Stirling, Scotland.
Ana Vico, Paula de la Fuente: WP4. Provenance, ethics and legal frameworks
Un/archiving Post/industry: Ethical Collaboration in Theory and in Practice Speakers: Victoria Donovan (University of St Andrews) and Iryna Sklokyna (Centre for Urban History). Chair: Siân Jones. Panelist: Diána Vonnák.
Ana Vico, Paula de la Fuente: Overview of Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Heritage. DECOPE Project
Josephine Munch Rasmussen: The DECOPE project and research.
DECOPE research workshop in Lublin, Poland. Hosted by the Grodska Gate NN Theatre Centre. Organisers: Diána Vonnák and Siân Jones.
Call for papers. Session title: Tracing & Protecting: Facing the Shadows of Illicit Trafficking in Cultural Goods. Submission deadline: 7th February Session: #982 ( The session is co-organised by DECOPE partner Ana Vico Belmonte, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
Presentation by Diána Vonnák (with Marianna Berényi): Megőzés élesben: muzeológia a háborús krízisben [Rescue in practice: museum work in armed crisis]
The DECOPE project is holding its final seminar on the destruction and care of cultural heritage in Ukraine in the aftermath of Russia’s full-scale invasion.