Fra innvielsen av de vietnamesiske båtflyktningenes minnemonument oppført på Norsk Maritimt Museum i Oslo i 2015.
Inauguration From the inauguration of the Vietnamese refugees Boat People memorial erected at the Norwegian Maritime Museum in Oslo in 2015.

Immigrant Heritage

In this subproject we define immigrants with the “new immigrant groups in Norway” (cf. White Paper no. 16 2004-2005 Leve med kulturminner, p. 64) which represents immigration through the last 35 years. It involves immigrant cultures who have come to Norway in the post-war period because of war, political struggles or unemployment. The White Paper calls for research that produces knowledge about and which makes visible the immigrant’s cultural heritage, which can increase our knowledge about differences and similarities between cultures that belong to Norway.

The subproject explores how immigrants’ perspectives on cultural heritage are prominent in the public space in Norway, and more specifically in the strategies and practices of the cultural heritage management.

The study examines how cultural heritage of immigrants occurs in museums and by the construction of memorials. How are political intentions about the preservation of cultural heritage representing immigrant cultures handled in practice, and what considerations are challenging or demanding in this regard? What does immigrant cultures express as perspectives on heritage? These questions are answered through several analytical approaches and articles in this subproject.

Contact: Torgrim Sneve Guttormsen and Grete Swensen

  • Status
    In progress
  • Client
  • Time

News and activities on Immigrant Heritage