RUVIVAL (RUral VItalization through Various Adaptations of Cultural Heritage and Landscapes) is a Collaborative and knowledge-building Project (KSP) funded by the Research Council of Norway (2021-2025).
The RUVIVAL research team will, in collaboration with partners from outside the research sector and in close interdisciplinary cooperation, explore how rural areas can be revitalized by reusing cultural monuments and cultural landscapes.
The project partners are the Institute of Transport Economics (TØI, project manager), the Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU), the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Kulturvernforbundet, Norske Parker, Directorate for Cultural Heritage, The Norwegian Trekking Association (DNT) and Innlandet county municipality.
NIKU is responsible for the topic «Encouraging participation in cultural heritage reuse processes» (WP1).
Work package leader (NIKU): Véronique Karine Simon Nielsen
Work package research associate (NIKU): Laia Colomer
- Status In progress
- Client Norwegian Research Council
- Time 2021-2025