Webinar: The Ringsaker Altarpiece
The Ringsaker Altarpiece – a masterpiece from Antwerpen
On September 21, 2020, NIKU welcomes you to a webinar on the altarpiece in Ringsaker, Norway. This is the only known Antwerp altarpiece in Norway.
The altarpiece has been in Ringsaker church since around year 1530, and is still there today. Even though different Antwerp altarpieces have many similarities, the one in Ringsaker has many unique aspects worth exploring.
The full day webinar will include presentations by concervators and art historians from Norway, Denmark, Belgium and The United States, that all have worked on the Ringsaker altarpiece or other Antwerp altarpieces.
A preliminary program can be found here.
The webinar is a collaboration between The Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research and The Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History, University of Oslo. The organizers are paintings conservator Tone Olstad, and art historian Ragnhild M. Bø, which have led the project «Image, Imitation, Indulgence: Netherlandish Altarpieces and Devotional Practices in Denmark-Norway, c.1480-1550»
- Status In progress
- Financed by The Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research and The Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History, University of Oslo
- Time September 21, 2020