Climate Change and Cultural Heritage

NIKU works with issues related to climate change and cultural heritage. We assess the impacts of slow climate change and extreme hazards on cultural heritage.

The risk of moisture-related damages increases. Phenomena such as floods and landslides may appear in new areas with grave consequences. NIKU has developed methods enabling municipalities and other managers to analyse and assess climate-related threats to cultural heritage, e.g. climate DIVE.

NIKU conducts interdisciplinary climate-related assessments of buildings and cultural environments, with a particular focus on churches and their surroundings.

To reduce the risk of costly damages and irreparable loss, we emphasize preventive actions and measures, and long-term, sustainable, and good solutions.

In addition to conducting research and assignments for property managers and municipalities, our researchers, conservators, and antiquarians are involved in several research projects, both national and international, on climate-related topics.

Cecilie Flyen

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