Geophysical surveys

By using geophysical methods of investigation, we can investigate archaeological sites without resorting to physical intervention.

Archaeological registrations in cultivated land are mainly carried out by mechanical excavation.

Geophysical investigations are non-invasive and can therefore be an alternative used to prioritize and limit the impact of test excavations.

For an overview of areas that NIKU has examined using geophysical methods from 2009 to the present day have a look at

Newly developed technology

With the help of newly developed motorized systems, we can investigate large agricultural areas with a resolution that until a few years ago was completely unthinkable.

Geophysical methods can therefore be a good supplement to traditional survey methods and can help place archaeological sites within a broader landscape context.

Main provider of archaelogical geopysical surveys

NIKU can provide geophysical surveys using state-of-the-art ground-penetrating radar systems.

NIKU is a main provider of archaeological geophysical surveys in Scandinavia and our fleet of equipment is the largest. Our team consists of leading experts in processing and interpreting data collected through such surveys.

Geophysics in the snowOne of our vehicles working in winter conditions.
ResultsNIKU's professionals and researchers are experts at analysing geophysical data.
Knut Paasche

Contact us

Have a talk with Knut Paasche if you want to know more about digital archology and geophysical surveys
